
Episode 74 - Phạm Minh Hoàng

A Vietnamese educator who has been prevented from teaching, now finds the last part of his identity stripped from him: His Vietnamese citizenship. Professor Phạm Minh Hoàng, a 62-year-old blogger who writes about human rights, social justice, and corruption in Việt Nam, is on the record from Sài Gòn with Loa’s contributing reporter Lilly Nguyễn.


Episode 71 - Quyên Lưu; Handedness

On The Record With Quyên Lưu, One of Việt Nam’s Emerging Young Leaders
On May 4, the U.S. Department of State hosted its annual Emerging Young Leaders Award. Among the 10 award recipients was Quyên Lưu, a YouTube sensation and social advocate from Việt Nam.

Loa contributing reporter Nhựt Phó attended the award ceremony and spoke with Quyên about the origin story of Ếch Phu Hồ, her team's Youtube channel of cleverly narrated, controversial hand-drawn animations.

Vietnamism: Lefties Get Left Out...But Why?
Picture yourself holding a pen. Put that pen up to an imaginary piece of paper on an imaginary desk and pretend to start writing. Which hand did you use? The hand that you picked to write is your dominant hand, and the choice you make is called handedness. Most likely, you put up your right hand. A small percentage of you would have put up your left. If you are in an Asian country, let’s say Việt Nam, it would be an even smaller percentage.

So why is this? Loa’s Chí-Linh Đinh was wondering the same thing, so she tries get to the bottom of handedness in Việt Nam.

Episode 44 - The Renovation Generation; Lê Thuận Uyên

This year marks the 30th anniversary of Đổi Mới, a series of economic reforms that changed Việt Nam from a centrally planned economy to what some describe as a “socialist-oriented free market” economy. These reforms changed a lot of things for a lot of people, and the generation born after Đổi Mới live lives that previous generations could barely dream of 30 years ago. Two women - Eliza Lomas and Fabiola Buchele - seek to understand their experiences. In their podcast series, “The Renovation Generation”, Lomas and Buchele share intimate conversations with post-Đổi Mới youth and draw sonic portraits of their lives and experiences.

Eliza Lomas and Fabiola Buchele are On the Record with Loa’s Stella Trần.

We also broadcast episode 5 of “The Renovation Generation”:  www.therenovationgeneration.com/

Opening Music: Kolada – Fumes
Closing Music: BluntedBeatz - Gone By Tomorrow www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC2dcqPZanI

Episode 3 - Nguyễn Phú Trọng's US Visit, Nguyễners

This year marks two decades since the normalization of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Việt Nam. For the first time ever, the Vietnamese Communist Party is sending its General Secretary, Nguyễn Phú Trọng, to Washington, DC, to meet with senior White House officials.

We discuss the implications of this high level visit with Điềm Đỗ, Chairman of the pro-democracy party Việt Tân. As leader of an unsanctioned opposition party, Đỗ and a Vietnamese delegation met with President George W. Bush in 2007 to discuss human rights in Việt Nam. Loa’s Duyên Bùi has this “On the Record”.

Have you ever wondered why such a vast percentage of the Vietnamese population share the surname “Nguyễn”? Nope, they are not all related to each other. Here is Chris Lê on this week’s Vietnamism, Việt Nam’s history with the “Nguyễns”.

Air date: May 11, 2015

Episode 1 - Black April; A Poetry Reading of Tổ Quốc Gọi Tên

In our first episode, we bring you “A Look Inside” at how Vietnamese youth in Việt Nam and around the world commemorate 40 years since the war, 40 years of a divergent history.

We will be closing our show on Black April with our “Solitary Envoi” segment, which features written works that inspire or are written by the politically repressed in Việt Nam.

Music credit:
Major MajorNo Rhyme

Air date: April 27, 2015