Five Things to Know about the Deadly Clash in Đồng Tâm

Five Things to Know about the Deadly Clash in Đồng Tâm

All the news circulating about Đồng Tâm has been difficult to understand. There has been little to no information released, and on top of that, the government has barred all independent media from entering the area, leaving state media and social media as the main sources of information. The Loa team got together to make sense of what went down. Here's what we have.

Gaba Rodriguez: Building Feminist Infrastructures

Gaba Rodriguez: Building Feminist Infrastructures

The tech industry’s lack of gender and racial diversity is often a major discussion point every year at the Internet Freedom Festival.We talk to Gaba Rodriguez, who is a computer engineer working to build feminist infrastructures.

A Wife’s Letter, on the Eve of Her Husband’s Trial

A Wife’s Letter, on the Eve of Her Husband’s Trial

Human rights activist Nguyễn Văn Oai is on trial again, after having previously served four years in prison on charges of attempting to overthrow the government. Oai became a father while in prison awaiting trial. His wife Hồ Thị Linh Châu posted a letter to him on her Facebook page, just before he was originally due to appear in court. 

Việt Nam Social Rights Advocate Sentenced to 9 Years for “Propaganda”

Việt Nam Social Rights Advocate Sentenced to 9 Years for “Propaganda”

Vietnamese authorities have sentenced yet another social activist to a lengthy prison term, continuing a spate of heavy-handed punishments against dissent. In a one-day trial, the People’s Court in Hà Nam province sentenced Trần Thị Nga to nine years in prison and five years of house arrest for “conducting propaganda against the State.”

Lụa and Loan, Two Asylum Seekers Rejected by Australia

Lụa and Loan, Two Asylum Seekers Rejected by Australia

Reporter Kathy Triệu is back with another modern refugee story -- one that chronicles the journey of two strong-willed Vietnamese mothers, Trần Thị Lụa and Trần Thị Thanh Loan. They recount fhow several attempts to flee Việt Nam for Australia led them instead to a detention center in Indonesia.

Videographer of Anti-Formosa Protests Charged With "Propaganda"

Videographer of Anti-Formosa Protests Charged With "Propaganda"

[VIDEO] Video journalist Nguyên Văn Hoá captured drone footage of protests against the Formosa steel plant in Hà Tĩnh, Việt Nam, the company at the source of a massive fish kill in 2016. He is now charged with conducting propaganda against the state.