Pham Minh Hoang

Vietnamese Blogger Phạm Minh Hoàng: “I Cannot Be Stripped of My Citizenship”

 Vietnamese Blogger Phạm Minh Hoàng: “I Cannot Be Stripped of My Citizenship”

A Vietnamese educator who has been prevented from teaching, now finds the last part of his identity stripped from him: His Vietnamese citizenship. Professor Phạm Minh Hoàng, a 61-year-old blogger who writes about human rights, social justice, and corruption in Việt Nam, is on the record from Sài Gòn.

Việt Tân: An Opposition Party Aims to Reform Việt Nam

Việt Tân: An Opposition Party Aims to Reform Việt Nam

Resistance to oppression is in the Vietnamese people’s DNA. Since the Vietnamese Communist Party imposed its one-party rule throughout the country in 1975, resistance has been building. Momentum started with the isolated voices of dissidents in the 1980s and 1990s and has gained to give rise to the emergence of un-sanctioned groups today.

Việt Tân, the Việt Nam Reform Party, is one of those un-sanctioned groups. It was formally established in 1982 with a mission to mobilize the people to reform and free Việt Nam. From its perilous beginnings to today’s multi-pronged approaches to empower the Vietnamese people - of which Loa is a product - Chris Lê has the story of the activists on the ground.